My Paradigm

My paradigm is my mental model of how practicing works.

  • I define practicing as searching for and mastering the ideal motions necessary to play music.

  • I practice the best ways for me to move. It's the only thing over which I have direct control. Everything else in music comes from motion.

  • Practicing is as important to me as playing.

  • I will always spend more time practicing than playing. It’s the only way to be good.

  • When I practice better I play better.

  • Practicing music and playing music are two completely different things.

  • Consistency is essential.

  • Good practicing is enjoyable, effective and satisfying.

  • Some practice sessions are neither enjoyable, effective or satisfying. It happens.

  • I don't practice so that I can talk about music. I practice so that I can play.

Tom Heany

I’ve been practicing for 60 years. This is what I’ve learned.

The Tool Kit.

